Thursday, May 8, 2014

I Missed a Lot

being gone just over a week - Dr. D'onfrio's talk, one of Gavin's wonderful classes and the Mill River walk.  Really nice to come back and hear about all the good things that happened and feel that our team is bonding more and more each week.  I wasn't an angel on vacation but the thought of the challenge kept me from going too crazy.  The good news is I really enjoyed myself and feel like I can knock off much of the couple pounds I gained by the time I weigh in next week.  As Michele and others have said, this is a journey so I'm going to enjoy the ride and get back in the saddle in terms of exercise and eating now that I'm home (after I finish my share of the pizza we got on the way home from the airport last night).  Look forward to seeing my teammates at Dr. Green's talk next Mon. at 5:30.

1 comment:

  1. Well MaryAnn welcome back. Glad you enjoyed yourself and it was great to read how positive you were about falling off the wagon alittle but getting back on. I think we/people in general have a all or nothing attitude, so its either, I am good and eat health always, or well I blew it so let me keep on this distructive path. We need to realize there will be cake, there will be pizza and there will be salad and nuts.. We all just need to keep a positivie attitude and be our own cheerleader. We are beautiful women all different and unique. That is what makes life beautiful. We dont all want to be the same that would be totally boring. See you Monday at the cardio class.
