Monday, March 31, 2014

Hello everyone!!!!
I am sorry i missed you Friday, i got an injury from the personal training on Thursday and was in to much pain to come. i pulled a muscle in my groin and ended up needing to go to the doctor. Luckily i did not give myself a hernia, but it is still very painful, i am on muscle relaxing pills and i plan to continue with the pogrom. Even my doctor is encouraging me to i just cant do anything on the floor for a while. So when i have my training tomorrow i plan to talk to the trainer and try to mostly work on upper body. This is a good lesson for everyone not to push themselves to hard, or top let your trainer talk you into doing so. Only you are in control of your body, so you know what your limits should be. Also if i do miss any events its usually because i am a student and i have things going on in school. But i am trying my very best to come to all the events going on in our group. I would love it if you all could email me and fill me in on anything interesting i miss.

Thanks and good luck everyone


  1. Oy, Julie, so sorry to hear about your injury. I pulled a muscle last week too but less severe than yours. Glad you got it looked at immediately. I have been walking the track and doing the exercise bike to keep active. Hope you find something that works well for you. Hang in there, we don't want to lose you on the team.

    1. Thank you so much for your concern, I have been given a new trainer that I will be meeting Friday.
